How I Can Help


Do you have a difficult situation with an employee and are not sure what to do? Let’s work together to take the right steps to improve performance. Known as a direct but fair and compassionate leader, I’ll help you manage the challenge.

Sometimes your employees or leaders simply need coaching in how to deal with challenges they are experiencing on the job, but don’t feel comfortable talking to “the boss”. Consider me your internal “HR Department” for employees as well as leaders.


Challenged with motivating your employees? Intrinsic rewards can help retain employees but so can a variety of incentives that are not always cost-prohibitive, even for the small business. Let’s talk about the options for your compensation and benefit plans.


What State, Federal or other laws apply to my business? No worries!! Employment laws continually change and sometimes it is hard to determine what applies to your business and what doesn’t. No matter what size organization, I help organizations stay compliant in their employment practices.


Upcoming contract expiration? Can’t agree to contract interpretation or riddled with grievances? I’m experienced in contract preparation and negotiations, can be at the table during a bargain, or help with best practices in contract administration post contract ratification.


How do I find and retain the best team in a competitive market? Your employees are your most important asset. I provide selection tools and best practices so that you not only “select the best” but are also able to retain the best talent for your business.


Finding an absence of basic business skills in your workforce? With over 30 years experience in training design and delivery, I’m skilled at developing targeted training and team building on a variety of subjects from guest relations to project management and leadership development. My training courses are not pre-packaged OR cookie-cutter, they are customized for your unique needs. 

organization design and optimization

Is the work of your organization structured for efficiency and customer effectiveness?  Are you prepared for the future? I’m an experienced strategic planning facilitator and I can help you develop an organization succession plan with simple but proven tools.